Episode3 WAVE3
5月27日 午後4時35分
May 27 4:35 PM
比治山隆俊: …やはり機兵は驚くべき兵器だ これを本土防衛に投入できれば結果も変わろうに…
Takatoshi Hijiyama: …The Sentinels are incredible weapons. If we could deploy them in the mainland war, they could instantly turn the tide…
沖野司: まだそんなことを言っているのか比治山くんは…
Tsukasa Okino: That war’s been over for decades, Hijiyama-kun… You can stop worrying about it…
比治山隆俊: 撃ちてし止まんだ… 沖野、次はどこだ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: “We will never stop until our foes lie dead.” I’m not about to forget my duty, Okino. Where to next?
沖野司: 気が早いな、まだ終わってないよ
Tsukasa Okino: Don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re not done here.
比治山隆俊: 増援か…怪獣がそこら中から集まって来てるな
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Reinforcements… I see kaiju gathering from across the whole city.
沖野司: ドローンをもう少し出して索敵範囲を広げておこう
Tsukasa Okino: I’ll release some more drones to expand our search range.
比治山隆俊: いいぞ、暴れるのは俺に任せておけ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Good. Leave the fisticuffs to me.
沖野司: 見えるか?問題なのは後ろにいる…Gモーラーだ
Tsukasa Okino: What I'm worried about is the G-Molers in the back. You see them?
比治山隆俊: ジモラ?あのでかくて丸い奴の名前か?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Jamolar? Is that what you call the big round ones?
沖野司: ジモラじゃない、あれはGモーラーと言って…まあいい
Tsukasa Okino: No. G-Moler. As in, with the letter G. it stands for… you know what, never mind.
A G-Moler is a Deimos built for excavation.
It uses the spinning blades on its back to dig into the ground.
They need to bore a path to the terminal. It’s the core of their strategy, and we need to stop them.
比治山隆俊: あんなとろくさい奴、俺の拳で一打ちだ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: A slowpoke like that? All I need is one strike to take that one out.
沖野司: 高圧力に耐え、どんな岩盤も砕くような奴らだ
Tsukasa Okino: They can withstand intensely high pressures and break through any rock.
If you underestimate it, you're the one who’s going to get taken out.
比治山隆俊: あれが奴らの狙う場所か
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Is that where they're headed?
沖野司: そう…地表から最もターミナルに近い地点だ
Tsukasa Okino: Yes… That’s the point closest from the surface to the terminal.
But your Sentinel’s a 1st-gen, which means more mobility. That’ll come in handy here.
Can you take out some kaiju on your way there?
比治山隆俊: やれってことだろ…突撃だ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: I don’t have much choice. We’re going in.
比治山隆俊: またか…次から次へとよくもまあ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: More enemies… Is there no end to them?
郷登蓮也: 間に合ったか…制圧される前に イージスを起動させる
Renya Gouto: Looks like I made it in time… I'm going to activate Aegis before they overwhelm us.
比治山隆俊: さっきのあいつか
Takatoshi Hijiyama: You're that guy from before!
What are you scheming? I won't allow it!
沖野司: 待って比治山くん… 彼に任せるんだ
Tsukasa Okino: Wait, Hijiyama-kun… Let him handle this.
比治山隆俊: いいのか?あいつ円盤に何かする気だぞ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Are you sure? He's about to do something to the saucer.
沖野司: それも計画の内だ…それに試したい事もある
Tsukasa Okino: It’s all part of the plan. Besides, there's something I want to try.
比治山隆俊: わかった…貴様を信じる
Takatoshi Hijiyama: …Fine. I trust you.
沖野司: ターミナルは様々な防衛機能を備えている
Tsukasa Okino: The terminal has a few defense mechanisms in place.
Now that we’ve got access to them, you should be able to command them yourself.
Let the terminal attack the kaiju directly.
比治山隆俊: 円盤にダイモスを攻撃させるのか?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: We can make the saucer itself attack them?
沖野司: これはどうだ? 『位相プラズマE.M.P.』を実行してみてくれ
Tsukasa Okino: Let's give this one a shot… This Phase Plasma EMP.
郷登蓮也: 何をやったんだ…
Renya Gouto: What did you just do…
沖野司: ターミナルが範囲内の指定された目標だけを機能停止させた
Tsukasa Okino: The terminal forced a shutdown of designated targets within range.
比治山隆俊: 凄いなこれは…もっとバンバン撃ちまくってやろう
Takatoshi Hijiyama: That was amazing… Let's fire off some more of those!
沖野司: それは無理だよ…だが他にも機能がある、解析しよう
Tsukasa Okino: Don’t know if we can do that, but… we have a couple other tricks up our sleeve. Let me take a look.
郷登蓮也: イージスの起動を確認…
Renya Gouto: Aegis activation confirmed…
沖野司: 周囲の敵を自壊させた…効果てきめんだな
Tsukasa Okino: All the hostiles in range destroyed themselves. Like magic.
比治山隆俊: こんなものがあるなら先に言え、機兵も出番いらずだ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: If we had that kind of weaponry, you should have told me! Why bother with the Sentinels when we have this?
郷登蓮也: 起動まで時間がかかる、それまでにやられれば終わりだ
Renya Gouto: It takes time to activate. And if we get taken out before it’s ready, then it’s all over.
沖野司: そして…このターミナルは封鎖されて2度と戻らない…
Tsukasa Okino: It means… the terminal would be fully locked down. Nobody could ever open it again.
比治山隆俊: それは…何かまずいのか?
Takatoshi Hijiyama: Is that… a bad thing?
郷登蓮也: 私は郷登蓮也。君はセクター5の適合者だな…
Renya Gouto: This is Renya Gouto. You are one of the compatible pilots from Sector 5.
Who are you communicating with?
沖野司: …面倒だ。比治山くん内緒で頼むよ…
Tsukasa Okino: I’d really rather not deal with this. Don’t tell him, Hijiyama-kun.
比治山隆俊: …いいや、俺一人だ
Takatoshi Hijiyama: …No one. I’m fighting solo.
ナビ音声: 『機兵信号を確認』
“Sentinel signals detected.”
郷登蓮也: …別の場所でも機兵が起動している
Renya Gouto: …Sentinels are being activated in another location.
No. 17 and No. 19… Just how many Sentinels are online now?